At CURIOUS, we are a pluri-disciplinary agency, at our strongest when we work at the intersection of our different areas of expertise. We accompany our clients as their business develops and always with a long-term vision. 

Our expertise covers the following 4 pillars.



Development can take many different directions. We work with our clients to identify the strategy that is best suited to the company taking into account all relevant aspects: the company’s history, the vision of the company owners and managers, the position on the market, etc. We look at all angles from retail to wholesale and, of course, the digital strategy. We also work with our clients on other aspects of development including partnerships or market analysis for example.



We believe solid branding is pivotal for high-performance. Collaborating closely, we shape key elements like storytelling, values, and vision, adding value across all levels of the company.

Simultaneously, integrating digital tools, such as CRM, enhances brand efficiency and customer-centricity. Our goal is a seamless blend of traditional and digital strategies, ensuring brands meet evolving client needs.



Finance elements are present at every stage of a company development. From the very first financial plan before the launch to the eventual sale or transmission of the company. And at every stage in between including the funding strategy, the fundraising process from public and/or private investors, financial reporting, due diligence, M&A projects, etc. We help our clients through every step of the development of their company, demystifying the various stages when necessary and always adopting the most pragmatic approach to the figures.



Managing a brand, even with a strong team in place, can be a solitary job. At CURIOUS, we help company founders, owners and managers to take some distance from the day-to-day operations and act as a sounding board to maintain focus on the strategy and long term vision. As part of this, we help our clients to set up and manage Boards of directors as well as Boards of advisors.